Haute Route Alps 2014 – Stage 4

Today’s Individual Time Trial, marking the halfway point of the Haute Route Alps, almost came as relief. Alpe d’Huez from Bourg d’Oisans is arguably the most iconic climb in cycling history, following in the footsteps of some of the world’s greatest cycling heroes. Its 21 hairpin bends, the signs and the graffiti on the road make it a memorable moment in a cyclist life

Haute Route Alps 2014 – Stage 4

Today’s Individual Time Trial, marking the halfway point of the Haute Route Alps, almost came as relief. Alpe d’Huez from Bourg d’Oisans is arguably the most iconic climb in cycling history, following in the footsteps of some of the world’s greatest cycling heroes. Its 21 hairpin bends, the signs and the graffiti on the road make it a memorable moment in a cyclist life

Maria-Magdalena Kaczor plays Toccata and Fuga d-moll BWV 565

Maria-Magdalena Kaczor interprete la Toccata et Fugue en re mineur de J. S. Bach BWV 565 sur le Grand Orgue de Kern a Kitara Concert Hall a Sapporo au Japon.
L’enregistrement de cette piece a eu lieu pendant la session d’enregistrement entre 12 et 15 Mars 2013.
Le CD sera disponnible le 1 Juillet 2013.

Maria-Magdalena Kaczor plays Toccata and Fuga d-moll BWV 565

Maria-Magdalena Kaczor interprete la Toccata et Fugue en re mineur de J. S. Bach BWV 565 sur le Grand Orgue de Kern a Kitara Concert Hall a Sapporo au Japon.
L’enregistrement de cette piece a eu lieu pendant la session d’enregistrement entre 12 et 15 Mars 2013.
Le CD sera disponnible le 1 Juillet 2013.